APRIL 1, 2013, 10 AM
In attendance: Teresa Adams – CCHMC/CETST, Pat Allingham – Hamilton County Public Health, Colleen Bain – National Church Residences, Mary Anne Berry – Womens’ City Club, Steve Black – WCET-TV, Eve Bolton – CPS Board, Ray Brazzile – ACDC Anita Brentley – CCHMC, Christina Brown – Cincinnati Human Relations Commission, David Carlson –Hamilton County Public Health, Myra Colder – Home, Bryon Hutchins – Rockdale Baptist Church, Tom Conlon Jr., Thalia Ghaglia – Church of Scientology, Reverend Eugne Godhigh – Church of the Redeemer, Reverend Aaron Greenlea – St. Elizabeth Baptist Church Outreach Reverend Robert Harris – International Church for All Nations, Tonya Key – Outreach/HCPH, Cheryl Meadows, Lydia Morgan – Juneteenth/Kennedy Heights, Jeri Oliver – Urban League, Reverend Peterson Mingo –C.I.R.U., Betty Richard – Winton Hills Opportunity Connection, Don Sherman – Amigos Unidos for Migratora Reforma, Tammy Smiendinger – Red Cross/Tri-State COAD, Josh Spring – Homeless Coalition, Pastor Ennis Tait – Avondale Clergy, Marsha D. Thomas – Parish Nurse (Avondale), Sharon Thompson – Cincinnati Job Corps, Charles Wallner – Pbe Services.
Reverend O’Neal cannot attend meeting. Meeting is presided by Charles Wallner, First Vice-President
Opening Prayer by Pastor Ennis Tait
Old Business
President’s Gun Policy - there will be a discussion on the President’s gun policy at next month’s meeting.
FCA Website, Bryan Hutchins reports that the committee is looking at the development of a calendar of events and activities for the site. He would like to build a custom management system. Marilyn Wall was shown the template for the website revisions and has approved. There will be an update in May.
Treasurers Report – Reverend Eugene Godhigh. FCA General Account: $1,276.00; Prepare the future: 6,810.00. Total assets @ 8.086.00. Reverend Godhigh discussed dues: Individual members- $20.00, Organizations: $50.00.
New Business:
Steve Black presents an offer to Faith Community Alliance to have two representatives on the CET/ TV Community Advisory Board, (Representative on the WCET Board). Reverend Robert Harris volunteers to be one of the two representatives. The second representative will be decided at the May meeting. The Board would advise CET as to whether its local programming is meeting the needs of the community. Representation from the Faith Community is vitally important. It is anticipated that the Board twice a year. After further discussion amongst members a Decision was made for Steve to come back in a month and share the advisory board goals, number of open slots for the advisory board and the focus of the advisory board. A motion was approved to hear more next month.
Executive Committee
A short executive committee meeting was held this past month to discuss how FCA should financially support different events and projects. It will look further at funding in support of projects
Tri- State COAD – Tammy Smiendinger. This program meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m. It goal is to provide training on Disaster 101 so local communities have a knowledge and understanding of how to develop long term plans for disaster events.
Q- Can you advertise disaster bag? A. Working with grocery stores to get disaster kits. Q- What do you want from FCA? Want individual churches to be involved as locations for training. Q- How often do you do disaster relief training? A. Go to for more information.
Permanent Support of Avondale Housing Projects - National Church Residence- Affordable Housing Developer.
National Church Residence is a network of Health Care Services serving Serve Homeless and Disabled Adults. It hopes to bring a model of its residential services to the disabled to Cincinnati. The project has been in development for the last 2-3 years. A site selected on Alaska Avenue- a 99 unit building / 13 million dollar investment to the community serving the disabled who are 18 year old and over.
MOTION- would like letter of support from FCA for a funding grant that has been submitted to the Ohio Housing Finance Agency. Motion approved to provide a letter of support from FCA.
Comments – Need to talk to home owners- need to help people who invested in their properties
MOTION disseminate a template to everyone – second motion approved. Send letters to
Juneteenth -Lydia Morgan. Juneteenth is planning to add a Job Fair to assist the hiring of men with legal problems. Companies involved must agree to hire someone that day. The Juneteeth group will follow the progress of the people who are hired. There is a meeting on the 15th of April. A religious ng service is planned for the event which is returning to Daniel Drake Park, June 15-16th Fathers Day Weekend.
OMISSION OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY HEALTH REPORT PRESENTATION ON AGENDA. Secretary Anita Brentley reminds Vice President Wallner that the Health Department was to be on the PRESENTATION AGENDA to update FCA on Syphilis and HIV issue in the region. Mr. Wallner apologies and asks the Health Department if the representatives will return next month to give their report. The graciously agree to do so.
Ceasefire – Reverend Tait. The Gun Buy Back Program held in the West End collected 38 guns. The program is Issuing IOU’s for gun buy backs. Reverend Tait also reported that fourteen churches involved in prayer walks throughout the city.
Homeless Coalition – Josh Spring. The Anna Louise Inn March 8th program was a success. Two hundred people gathered. The day before the event the CEO of Western Southern called three partner organizations in support of the event to break them off from the project. The three organizations refused. There is to be a community gathering of 50-60 people for a strategy meeting. The Faith community is asked to take direct action on this issue.
Prepare the Future, Charlie Wallner. The state financing of Public Education is attached to the Governor’s Budget Bill which is under a great deal of opposition and will probably fail. Currently Prepare the Future is planning two legislative meal with key legislators – one for Hamilton County and the other for the northern counties of the region to discuss public funding. Superintendents with board members and union representatives, PTO steering committee and FCA Executive Board.
CPS/CFT – Eve Bolton (CPS Board). Anticipated deficit for CPS in current fiscal year will be 30 tor 54 million dollars. The Board of Education voted to not to renew 89 administrators who may come back with lower salaries that must be negotiated. CPS is setting up 2 new schools – Ntech/ 21st century campus in College Hill/charter school under CPS administrative oversight. There is the development of the Preschool Promise by which CPS will enter into a partnership with preschool providers.
UHCAN – Ohio – Karen Bell. UHCAN has been meeting with legislators and there was a rally last Wednesday at Integrity Hall. The organization is waiting for Governor call- give a date for him to come to Cincinnati to discuss Medicare/Medicaid funding. There is a plan for a caravan to Columbus and UHCAN is asking for participation to want viable presence at the state capital. The project is being coordinated with UHCAN Cleveland chapter. More information will be provided next month.
Recently Released – Reverend Aaron Greenlea. With advent of state law loosening the restrictions on the hiring of released inmates from the state penal system, St. Elizabeth has noticed a decrease of those asking for its services.
Volunteers of America – sent by email by Philip Nunez – VA’s Reentry Housing Committee in conjunction with AHA and Office of Reentry continues to work with CMHA on issues surrounding impacting the annual acceptance criteria. AHA discussed last week that we would like to conduct a survey with CMHA public housing and section 8 occupants that are aimed at getting their take on giving people a second chance. VA continues to talk through with AHA and CMHA to conduct this survey with the hopes it will give CMHA a better standing with their population if they were to consider lessening the current day restrictions.
Don Sherman, Community United for Citizenship will represent immigrant issues at FCA. He announces Rally International Workers Day – Immigrants should have a pathway to citizenship, on May 1. 2013 at 5:00 p.m. Participants will gather for the March at 5:30 at Washington Park. Sharon Thompson, Cincinnati Job Corps, provides information on the Mayors Summer Youth Employment Program is underway and FCA is asked to announce the project at churches and organizations involved with youth.