Make the sewer rates equitable !

Sewer Bill too High?

coalition4fairratesTown Hall Forum

October 15, 2014 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Gabriel’s Place

3618 Reading Road Cincinnati, OH 45229

How can the Metropolitan Sewer District’s Rates be made Fair and Affordable? We need clean water and repairs to our infrastructure and we need the jobs this infrastructure repair will create for the next couple decades.  And we need a trained, skilled workforce to deliver outstanding value for the dollar.

Join us for an overview, questions and answers and discussion on making sure our sewer rates are fair and affordable and we get the work done to fix the sewers promptly, with a well trained workforce.

sponsored by Sierra Club, ECO: Environmental Community Organization, Faith Community Alliance, NaREIA, Applied Information Resources.

Panelist include Sierra Club, Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati, Communities United for Action, Housing Opportunities Made Equal, BUILD513.

agenda june 4, 2012


JUNE 4, 2012, 10 AM




FINANCES – Reverend Godhigh

Acceptance of grants for Prepare the Future Ohio


$200 on behalf of June Fourteenth Festival

Reminder new FCA email address is

Status of Letter Support for Madisonville Parkway

Status of FCA website, cost of fees.

Need for an Assistant Treasurer

Status of FCA Face Book page



Four Year Term for City Council Representatives - City of Cincinnati Council Representative Laure Quinlivan and/or Althea Barnett.

Cincinnati Union Bethel and the Status of Anna Louise Inn, Stephen T. MacConnell, President and CEO

“Equipping African American Clergy to be a Resource for Congregants with Depression Symptoms: A Interdisciplinary Public Health Study” – Jean Anthony, PhD, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Jennifer Williams, EdD, Williams and Associates, LLC.

Request to Ohio State Legislature to Correct State Funding for Public Education - Charles Wallner, Coordinator for Prepare the Future

Childhood Food Solutions, a program that provides much needed food to children and their families in the Roll Hill and Walnut Hills areas – Tony Fairness

Talbert House Fatherhood Project (Fatherhood Luncheon on June 8 and Sawyer Point Fatherhood Celebration on June 17) – John Silverman and Mark Addy, Stephanie Johnson.



Cease Fire Cincinnati – Reverend Ennis Tait

Status of Hate Crimes Against the Homeless – no report


Status of Black Family Reunion – Cassandra Robinson

Juneteenth – FCA to purchase ad

Environment – a) Metropolitan Sewer District – Marilyn Wall MSD

b) Updates on Green Umbrella – Steve Johns

Promise Keepers Kickoff – Brother Jerry Culberth


a)Prepare the Future – Update on Meeting between Superintendents and Legislators and the Legislative Day Bus Ride – Charles Wallner

b)Board Reports

1-CPS – Eve Bolton

2-Winton Woods – Brandon Wiers

c)CFT – Julia Sellers


Status of Federal Health Care Law – Donald Washington, Karen Bell


Labor  Doug Sizemore, Brentley Davis, Amy Teitelman

Housing & Homelessness

Status of Homelessness – Josh Spring

Working with Ex-Felons and Families – Phillip Nunes, Aaron Greenlea, St. Elizabeth Baptist Church


Cincinnati’s Interfaith Coalitions Advocate And Educate On Community

Cincinnati’s Interfaith Coalitions Advocate And Educate On Community
Issues: Updates From Marcc, Amos, And Fcac.

Thursday May 10, 2012, 12:00 Noon,
Christ Church Cathedral Undercroft, 318 East Fourth Street

What are the community and public issues receiving attention from
three of Cincinnati’s interfaith coalitions? At the next Community
Issues Forum, Pat Coyle, President of MARCC (Metropolitan Area
Religious Coalition of Cincinnati), Rev. Nelson Pierce, Lead
Organizer for Project AMOS, and Charles Wallner, Vice President, of
the Faith Community Alliance of Cincinnati, will answer this question.
This luncheon forum takes place at 12:00 noon, Thursday May 10th,
Christ Church Cathedral Undercroft, 318 East Fourth Street.

Congregations and religious organizations sponsor and take part in
many local outreach and human service programs and activities. Fewer
focus on advocacy. Since the urban unrest of the late 1960s, MARCC has
represented the major judicatories in this area in addressing critical
issues that confront Greater Cincinnati. More recent in origin,
Project AMOS is a coalition comprised of diverse congregations
representing the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths. Meanwhile, the
more loosely structured FCAC includes interfaith and secular groups
and members concerned about a variety of public issues. The panelists
at the May 10th Forum will depict both their coalition’s structure as
well as its current advocacy and education activities. As usual, time
will be set aside for questions and comments from the audience.

Come join us for this Forum. Lunch can be purchased for $5.50, or you
can bring a brown bag. Parking is now available in the garage of the
new building across the street from the Cathedral on 4th Street
between Broadway and Sycamore. For video clips of past Forums, go to

The next forum will be on May 24th. Topic and speakers to be announced.


Faith Community Alliance of Greater Cincinnati (FCA) is a non-profit organization formed more than twelve years ago whose purpose is to be a forum for the sharing of information and community action. The FCA represents clergy, community leaders and representatives of social services who meet monthly, sharing information in an open dialogue about the critical issues that are affecting our community as well seeking counsel on how to raise public awareness. It has often served as a conduit between the community and local government

c/o Rockdale Baptist Church, 539 Forest Ave. Cincinnati, Oh 452229

Pastor Rousseau A. O’Neal of Rockdale Baptist Church, President, Faith Community Alliance of Greater Cincinnati

Email us at fcacincinnati