FCA Minutes Sept 8, 2014

Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2014/Urban League

In attendance:  To be presented later, could not open contents.
Meeting Begins with Prayer by Father Christ

Motion made to approve the agenda. Motion approved.  Minutes for August Meeting will be presented to be approved at a later date.

Treasurers report: no report at this time
MY TOMORROW INITIATIVE – Cincinnati Public Schools (Laura Mitchell, Jennifer Wagoner)
The initiative is designed to customize education to meet the needs of students by revamping curriculum for 7th and 8th graders, provide an Advisory Bell -45-60 minutes, develop Social emotional learning, Technology- current information

Technology involves a Listening Session by adding technology person to each high school. Standard lessors are converted lessons to digital lessons. On-line advanced placement courses are provided with eight  schools on line Advanced Placement with internet access.  There is a Playbook, Unified platform.  Students create algorithms using their own data allowing students pick their own avatar.
Comment:   we need to hear more of the positive things that are going on in CPS in the media vs the negative.  Q – How are we funding this? A – with  Race to the Top dollars.  Q – To have this program what, academically, is being giving up? A – this  concept aw was a priority with the schools received their funding first in terms of staffing of the project.  Q – How are parents informed and engaged? A – Parents will be able to get on Playbook looking for my Tomorrow Parent Ambassadors.  Q -  Wwhat does this look like? A – Students are in groups /working around projects, teachers use digital lesson plans. Comments: LSDMC / Community Councils need to be involved.

Jewish Community Relations Council (Ariel Naveh/ Seth Harlan)
Fellowship That Brings Me Here , a joint celebration with Hebrew Union College, combine Academic learning with boots on the ground community involvement.  The project is deeply involved with advocacy for Israel.

Moral Mondays:    COMMUNITY UPDATE Julie Sellers ( CFT, Cincinnati Federation of Teachers)
Moral Mondays Cincinnati activities will take place on Mondays only.  It will address Educational Justice through Community Town Halls. Reverend William Barber was a principal speaker at the American Federation Convention in California in October 2013.  The plan is to have Plan to have him come here later in the year. The first task will be educational justice with an event  planning around the levy.  The goal is that it will be the first issue on the ballot.  It is a 65 million dollar renewal.  There is concern that some of the changes in the State Of Ohio Report Card are unfair and demean public education .  Q  –How many years does the levy cover?  A – 3- 5 years.
Follow up discussion by FCA committee as a whole.  A meeting is needed to be called on the structure of Moral Mondays.  Action Item to the Chair, Action item: FCA will convene a meeting in the next few weeks

Alaska Commons, Josh Spring reports that developer seeking another location for the facility. Homelessness ,  Josh Spring  reports that a homeless person was attacted leaving the Drop In Center by two men.   He states that there is an increasing trend in hate crimes against those who have no permanent homes.    A  15 years number of reported hate crimes in the Cincinnati area outnumber other crimes- still no federal state or local legislation.  City of Cincinnati can only charge misdemeanor with the official title of intimidation.  Coalition for the Homeless is working to add homeless status to criminal ordinances.  He hopes to have it passed by the beginning of October. If this occurs there will be a press conference.
Josh Spring reports that October is Homeless/Hunger Awareness Month that will be commemorated with a Homeless Awareness Walk, college students will have shanty town concepts to demonstrate the needs of the Homeless.
Q – What about old unused school buildings as shelter  for the homeless? A – This was mentioned to National Church Residents as a possibility.

Reports by  Kathy Finley, Piper Davis.
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra-, The season opens October 14 with Kazeem Abdullah.  From September 13- November 7th – One City One Symphony- more information on website : Cincinnatisymphony.org.   There are volunteer opportunity 8 hours win free tickets   On November 3rd  – Day of Service with the project culmination with performance on November 16th Theme is ( Hero’s )
Cincinnati Play House is presenting  Safe House with 15% off tickets. On October 20, 2014 there will be a free discussion with Director / Author Keith Adkins at the Freedom Center.  On  October 23rdthere will be a reception at the Freedom Center  after show.

HOME/HOUSING OPPORTUNITES MADE EQUAL – Myra Calder reports there will be Community Forum: Hello Neighbor, October 2, 2014, 6-8 p.m.

Cincinnati AFL-CIO has a New Executive – Secretary Treasurer, Pete McClendon.  For more information -

Board  of elections located at the west side.  Office Downtown office will host  early voting in the inner core

Recommendation:  to invite candidates Pepper and DeWine to an FCA Meeting.  Comment:  an FCA member is against candidates coming to FCA meeting during the meeting.

In Lower Price Hill – Go The Distance at Oyler School, 2121 Hatmaker,  October 11,m 2014
Contact Tammy Siemindinger  -708-2228
12:00-6:00 free fun for all ages
Suggestion – attend AMOS Meeting October 21st meeting

Closing Prayer/Meeting adjourned

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